Select your Perfect Plan

Easy, Fast and Cheap
Space 10 Gb
6% Complete
Transfer 300 Gb
100% Complete
Email 100 indirizzi
20% Complete
Database 10 Mysql
10% Complete
Wizard Forum Or Blog
100% Complete
Applications 1000 Wordpress, Joomla, Phpbb...
100% Complete

SAVE time and money with ready solutions

Power and performance, at any time, you can customize your Hosting adding the many optional services available.
The main service associated to the domain, it can be changed for example you can switch from a domain with DNS Management to a hosting plan, or a Redirect to a Hosting Plan
The modification of the service can be requested at any time.
BASIC PLAN Cijena $2.19/mo
Space 150 Gb
100% Complete
Transfer Rate 1500 Gb
50% Complete
Email 500 indirizzi
100% Complete
Database 25 Mysql
25% Complete
Wizard Forum O Blog
100% Complete
Applications 1000 Wordpress, Joomla, Phpbb...
100% Complete

SAVE time and money with ready solutions

Power and performance, at any time, you can customize your Hosting adding the many optional services available.
The main service associated to the domain, it can be changed for example you can switch from a domain with DNS Management to a hosting plan, or a Redirect to a Hosting Plan
The modification of the service can be requested at any time.
MEDIUM PLAN Cijena $4.38/mo
Spaces Unlimited
100% Complete
Transfer Rate Unlimited
100% Complete
Account Email 1000
100% Complete
Database 100
100% Complete
WebSite Composition Wizard
100% Complete
Forum Blog Composition Wizard
100% Complete
Application 1000 Included Wordpress, Joomla, Phpbb...
100% Complete

SAVE time and money with ready solutions

Power and performance, at any time, you can customize your Hosting adding the many optional services available.
The main service associated to the domain, it can be changed for example you can switch from a domain with DNS Management to a hosting plan, or a Redirect to a Hosting Plan
The modification of the service can be requested at any time.
GOLD PLAN Cijena $6.58/mo